Here are a number of fostering resources we have recently come across. There are a number of books that we haven't had the chance to read yet, marked with an asterisk * Feel free to send through a review if you have read them!
Emerging Minds
Emerging Minds is an organisation with great resources for parents and carers.
Book: “Parenting Traumatized Children with Developmental Differences: Strategies to Help Your Child's Sensory Processing, Language Development, Executive Function and Challenging Behaviours” by Sara McLean
Therapeutic Parenting
A foster carer recently found Sarah Naish’s resources on therapeutic parenting helpful. For anyone who has recently completed the Shared Lives Shared Stories training, may remember seeing her on a video about P.A.C.E! One of her tools is p.a.r.e.n.t – pause, assess, reflect, empathy, nurture, think and self-care.
The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting – Strategies and Solutions, Sarah Naish
Therapeutic Parenting in a Nutshell: Positives and Pitfalls, Sarah Naish
Trauma informed parenting
The Connected Child, Dr Karyn Purvis
The body keeps the score, Bessel van der Kolk *
Wounded children, healing homes, Jayne Schooler, Betsy Keefer Smalley and Timothy Callahan *
They mystery of risk, Ira J Chasnoff (about a children who are exposed to drugs and alcohol)*
Trying different not harder, Diane Malban (about FASD)
The best I can be, Jodee Kulp (written by a child growing up with FASD)
The whole-brain child, Daniel J Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Great books about being a carer
Another place at the table, Kathy Harrison
Confessions of an Adoptive Parent, Mike Berry
Born Broken, Kristin Berry
Books from a child’s perspective of growing up in care
Millennial Orphan, Levi Gideon Shepherd *
Three little words, Ashley Rhodes-Courter *
More to me, Saty Cornelius *
The anti-cool girl, Rosie Waterland – some of the language and content is quite crude in this book, however it is her story of growing up in care.
Broken, Shy Keenan
The prettiest horse in the glue factory, Corey White*
Biblical view of foster care
Fostering Hope uses both these resources preparing people to become carers. If you would like to participate in a training session or have a book please contact us.
Reframing foster care, Jason Johnson
The Gift, Pam Parish
Ready or not: 30 days of discovery for foster and adoptive parents, Pam Parish
Devotions of Comfort and Hope for foster and adoptive Mums
About foster care
To the end of June: The intimate life of American Foster Care,Cris Beam *
When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor…and yourself, Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert*
TBRI for the classroom
Trust-based relational intervention (TBRI) is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. It is an internationally renowned strategy and used by many child protection systems around the world.
TBRI just released resources for teachers and teachers aides, so please recommend them to your children’s educators:
FREE Child Safe Training online
As many of you would know, after the Royal Commission into Institutionalised Sexual Abuse, the Australian Human Rights Commission developed child safety principles and is encouraging all individuals and organisations to meet them. As part of National Child Protection Week, the Commission released free e-learning modules to help organisations increase their knowledge and understanding of the National Principles and identify steps needed to implement them. These can be accessed at:
*we haven’t read this one yet, so a review would be helpful!